Astrology is the study of celestial body motions and alignments that are thought to have an impact on both the natural world and human affairs. For ages, experts have disagreed over whether or not astrology is a science. On the one hand, some contend that astrology is a pseudoscience because it is unsupported by empirical data and has been disproved by academic research. On the other hand, some contend that astrology belongs in a different category from science because it is a type of divination. 

I'll look at the arguments for and against astrology being regarded as a science in this essay, and I'll make the case that even though it may have some scientific components, astrology is not a ultimate scientific discipline.

Astrology is frequently employed as a tool for comprehending and resolving both private and public issues, especially monetary issues. According to astrological theories, one's financial prospects and potential solutions to financial problems might be determined by the celestial bodies' positions at the time of their birth.

 I'll look at how astrology might be applied to comprehend and resolve money issues in this essay. One of the key ways in which astrology can be used to understand financial problems is through the analysis of a person's natal chart. 

A natal chart is a map of the sky at the exact time and place of a person's birth. Astrologers use this chart to understand the placement of the planets and the signs of the zodiac at the time of a person's birth and how they may influence the individual's life. 

For example, the placement of the planet Venus in a person's natal chart can indicate their potential for financial success and abundance.

Dharmikshree says the timing of financial events can also be understood using astrology. Astrologers use methods like transits and progressions to predict when financial opportunities and difficulties will arise. The term "transits" explains how the planets' present positions connect to a person's natal chart. 

Progressions, on the other hand, describe the planets' continuous passage through the zodiacal signs over time. Astrologers can estimate when a person might encounter financial troubles or when they might have prospects for financial gain by evaluating these methods.

Astrology can also be used to analyse a company's financial outlook. Astrologers can examine a company's chart to determine its chances of success and potential obstacles. For instance, the position of Saturn in a business chart can suggest probable challenges or delays. A company can take action to mitigate these possible issues and enhance their financial prospects by being aware of them.

Dharmikshree can suggest particular treatments and solutions in addition to helping people comprehend their financial issues through astrology. These treatments include mantras, yantras, and gemstone therapy. 

Wearing particular gemstones with astrological properties that are said to enhance one's financial status is known as gemstone therapy. Wearing a yellow sapphire, for instance, is thought to enhance financial prospects and bring prosperity. 

In order to achieve a state of meditation, certain words or phrases are repeated. These mantras are thought to have particular astrological powers. 

Yantras are special geometric patterns that are believed to have certain astrological properties and are utilised as a kind of meditation. It's important to note that while astrology can be used to understand and solve financial problems, it's not a guarantee of financial success. 

Astrology is a tool that can provide insight and guidance, but ultimately, it's up to the individual to take action and make the necessary changes to improve their financial situation. Additionally, astrology should not be considered as a replacement for professional financial advice, it can be used as a complementary tool.

In conclusion, astrology can be used as a tool to understand and solve financial problems. By analysing a person's natal chart, understanding the timing of financial events through transits and progressions, and identifying one's personal money archetype, astrologers can provide insight into an individual's financial prospects and offer solutions for financial difficulties. Additionally, by analysing the chart of a business, astrologers can understand its potential for success and identify potential challenges. There are also specific remedies and solutions that can be recommended by Dharmikshree such as gemstone therapy, mantras, and yantras. These remedies are believed to have specific astrological properties that can improve one's financial situation.

However, it's important to note that while astrology can provide insight and guidance, it's not a guarantee of financial success. An individual must take action and make the necessary changes to improve their financial situation. Additionally, astrology should not be considered as a replacement for professional financial advice. It's essential to consult with a financial advisor to understand the best course of action for your specific financial situation. It's also important to keep in mind that astrology is not a replacement for human accountability and responsibility. It is ultimately up to the individual to take action and make the necessary changes to better their financial circumstances, however astrology can offer insightful and helpful advice. This might entail taking actions to boost income, controlling spending, and selecting prudent investments.