Mulank 8

If you were born on 8th, 17th, 26th of any month

Natives of 'Radix 8' may lose patience this week and due to this they may lag behind in achieving success. You are likely to lose some valuables during a trip this week, which will be a cause of concern for you. In such a situation, you are advised to take care of expensive and valuables. During this time, the interest of the people of Radix 8 will be more towards spirituality, and you can go on a religious journey.

Love Relationship - Due to family problems, there is a possibility of increasing distance between you and your partner this week. In such a situation, happiness may disappear from your relationship, due to which you will feel that you have lost everything, but it will be necessary to adjust with the partner to maintain the relationship.

Education- Concentration is the key to success which will help you to move ahead in studies. If you are going to give competitive exam this week then you may find the exam a little difficult. So you are advised to prepare well.

Professional Life- People who want to change jobs this week, time is not favorable for doing so. During this time you may fail to perform well at the workplace which will affect the quality of work. Those who have their own business may have to struggle to earn profit at this time.

Health- Talking about health, during this week you may have problems with pain in legs and joints, so you are advised to do yoga and meditation.

Remedy: Chant "Om Hanumante Namah" 11 times daily.