Mulank  9

If you were born on 9th, 18th, 27th of any month

The natives of Radix 9 will be able to turn the circumstances in their favor this week. You will be able to take many bold decisions related to your life in this week which will prove to be good for your future. Also, during this period most of your time will be spent in travels which will be fruitful for you.

Love Relationship- You will enjoy happy and loving relationships with your partner. If you are in a relationship then you will be seen spreading happiness in the relationship and those who are married will spend quality time with their spouse.

Education- In terms of education, this week will be favorable for you as the students of this radix will be able to score good marks in the examination. Also, your performance in subjects like Electrical Engineering, Chemistry etc. will be excellent and you will be able to carve a niche for yourself.

Professional Life- Natives of Radix 9 will get new job opportunities this week. If you are looking for government job then you will get better opportunities.

Health- In terms of health, you will be in good health this week due to high energy levels. Also, you will not have to face any major health problem during this period and your life will be full of happiness.

Remedy: Chant “Om Bhaumay Namah” 27 times daily.